Mission: Words to Betray the Heart (2024)

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Words to Betray the Heart is a side mission.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Conduct
    • 2.1 Try again?
    • 2.2 Give Fang Some Time
    • 2.3 Go to the Clinic
    • 2.4 Sleep on it
    • 2.5 Go to Train Station
  • 3 Rewards
  • 4 Post-Conduct


The player must have completed Eagles in the Oasis. The mission triggers if the player gifts Fang a Heart Knot after completing Eagles in the Oasis.


When the player gifts Fang a Heart Knot:

Thank you.
  • Huh??
  • Just… thank you?
  • So, that’s a "no…"
Thank you. For your present.
→Just… thank you?
I think…
→So, that’s a "no…"
Hm? Yes, it’s very nice. I’ll take it.
Medicine… do you need more? I’ll make you something.

(Fang doesn’t seem to know what a Heart Knot means here in the Free Cities… I’m sure given time, I’ll think of a way to tell him how I really feel…)

The morning after, Fang will send a letter to the player explaining his behavior.

Mission: Words to Betray the Heart (9)


From: Fang

Dear Player,
I did not understand the implications of this gift. Please take it back.


Heart Knot

The mission is added to the player's log.

Try again?[]

Talk to Dr. Fang or maybe try giving him another Heart Knot…?Try again?
  • Fang(0/1)

If the player tryies to give Fang the heart knot again he will refuse to take it.

Before… I didn’t know what it meant. I… I shouldn’t have taken it.
Now… I really can’t.
  • But…
  • How can you do this to me!?
  • I understand… [No unique dialogue]
→But…/How can you do this to me!?
It’ll pass.
I… I’m not worth it. Everyone around me… suffers.
Please… go.

Give Fang Some Time[]

Fang didn’t accept your Heart Knot… maybe give him some time to think about this.Give Fang Some Time

The next morning, Fang will send another letter to the player, prescribe a medical check-up.

Mission: Words to Betray the Heart (18)


From: Fang

Dear Player,
Come for a checkup.
Emotions can affect your physical health.


The mission objective will be updated.

Go to the Clinic[]

Fang wants to meet at the clinic. Has he changed his mind…?Go to the Clinic

When entering the clinic, the player will meet Fang sitting on a chair, ready for the medical check-up. The dialogue will not affect the outcome of the mission, some options have unique lines.

Yesterday… your words. I was worried all night… worried you might fall ill.
Have you noticed any… unusual symptoms?
  • My heart is broken…
  • Not really… [No unique dialogue]
  • I’m okay, Fang. Thanks for checking on me. [No unique dialogue]
→My heart is broken…
You know nothing of a broken heart…!
I’m… sorry. I didn’t mean to…
I… will check for… physical issues with your heart…
I wanted to say-
I should check your pulse…

Fang is standing in front of a hospital bed after he has examined the player.

Your health… is good. Sigh… very good.
Diagnosis is over. You’re healthy.
  • So you really do hate me…
  • Are you pushing me away?
  • Maybe you’re just not ready for this…

Fang reaches out after the player and shouts out his answer:

→So you really do hate me…
No! I don’t hate you!
→Are you pushing me away?/Maybe you’re just not ready for this…
You’ve misunderstood…
Of course not… I really love y-
… No. I can’t promise you…
  • I heard it. You want to say you love me!
  • Stop lying to yourself!
  • Can you tell me what’s wrong?
→I heard it. You want to say you love me!
You… heard wrong.
→Stop lying to yourself!/Can you tell me what’s wrong?
I… I… No.
Enough. We… we can’t.
  • Then we’ll only ever be "friends." [No unique dialogue]
  • It’s okay, Fang. I didn’t mean to make you feel this way. [No unique dialogue]
  • The Heart Knot… I’ll give it to someone else!
  • Then I’ll marry someone else!
→The Heart Knot… I’ll give it to someone else!/Then I’ll marry someone else!
… Who? There’s someone else!?
No… No!
L… Listen…
To me… you’re not just a friend.
You’re someone I… I can’t let go…
  • Then accept my Heart Knot!
  • Then don’t. Don’t let me go!
  • I understand.

Regardless of what the player says, Fang will answer the same.

I… I just…
Are we… are we not good like this?
You should go. I’m sure… people out there… need your help…
  • I need to get out of this awful place…
  • Don’t worry, you won’t see me again… Doctor Fang.
  • Maybe we both need some time to think. [No unique dialogue]
  • Alright. But I’m here if you want to talk.[No unique dialogue]
→I need to get out of this awful place…
You… you’re leaving?
→Don’t worry, you won’t see me again… Doctor Fang.
What? Where are you going?
I… alright. I… understand.

The player goes outside.

Sleep on it[]

Fang is having trouble processing his feelings. Give both him and yourself some time to cool down and talk about this again when you’re both ready.Sleep on it

The next morning X will be outside and seeking the player.

Fang! Station! Station!
Don’t go!

Fang doesn’t think I’m leaving Sandrock, does he? I’d better go to the station and take a look.

Go to Train Station[]

Fang is at the train station…?Go to Train Station

When the player approaches Sandrock Station a cutscene will start were Fang is running after a train that's leaving the station, he falls and punches the floor in frustration. The player sees everything and comes running towards him and helps him up. He is shocked to see the player in front of him.

You… You’re here? But… I heard your voice… coming from the train…

The player shakes their head as an answer to Fangs statement.

How… disgraceful. How embarrassing for you to see me like this..
I… You think you want to be with me, but only because… you don’t understand who I am. Who I really am.
Everyone I love… goes away… in the end.

The player and Fang turn around to sit down on the bench at the station, where Fang will open up about his past.

I’ll tell you. I must tell you. Tell you everything. But I don’t know… how to say it…

(What should I ask?)
  • Everyone you love?
  • Tell me about your mother.
  • Who is "he" Your father?
  • Nothing to ask. [No unique dialogue]

Choosing any of the options will lead to a loop back to the original questions again until all questions have been asked.

→Everyone you love?
In the past… there was only me and my mother. but when I was young… she left me.
Now… because of you, I’m not alone anymore… but I’m scared…
… That you will leave too.
Mission: Words to Betray the Heart (66)
→Tell me about your mother.
Her name was… Sarnai. She made her home an avian sanctuary… My childhood was filled with the fragrance of flowers and the sweetness of birdsong.
She… took me out of the city… so "they" couldn’t come after me.
Mission: Words to Betray the Heart (69)
Mission: Words to Betray the Heart (70)
That’s when she started to become ill… Her heart had already been broken by "him…"
→Who is "he" Your father?
He… "he’s" in Seesai. "He" was already married. My mother… she didn’t know.
He is a noble blood. From a family of high standing.
When mother was ill… I thought "he" would come. But he never did. Not until she was long gone.
After she passed… I was lost. I wandered. Without purpose. X and I lived on the streets… Time had little meaning. Until… we were caught. Taken… "home."
My brother and his mother. They were cunning. When "he" was home, they were nice.
But when "he" left… they would…
… (deep breathing)...
They would…
  • Encourage him to continue.
  • Wait patiently.
→Encourage him to continue.
Right… they can’t hurt me now…
Fang(Relationship +5)
I’m… I’m okay.
→Wait patiently.
Thay pain in my heart… I can feel it again.
I… I…(deep breathing)
No. I’m… I’m okay.
Mission: Words to Betray the Heart (86)
They would make excuses. Hurt me… without being noticed.
X too… locked him in his cage. He got ill… picked out all his feathers.

(What should I say?)
  • Why didn’t you tell your father?
  • How did they hurt you?
→Why didn’t you tell your father?
I tried. But "he" always believed them… trusted her… trusted "his" family. They told "him…" that I was lying.
He told me not to speak such untruths… I took those words to heart as I felt more and more like a stranger in that home…
→How did they hurt you?
They -
I… No. I can’t think about it any longer…
We tried to escape, but failed.
When I grew up, studied medicine… ran away with X.
… That’s it. Nothing else to say.
Since all that, I’ve been broken. I heal others, hoping one day I can heal myself. But that day never comes.
Someone like you… you’re so perfect. So… undamaged. How could someone like you… ever be happy with someone like me…
I’m a burden… You don’t deserve that.

Note#1: The player will be given two options that will affect the outcome of the mission, the first option will give the opportunity to start a romance relationship with Fang. If the player chooses the second option, they have another chance to get the same ending or to end the mission earlier. If the first option, go to note#2.

  • Mission: Words to Betray the Heart (101)I don’t care about your past![Go to Note#2]
  • That is a lot…
→That is a lot…
Sorry to scare you. I’ve said too much… we can end things here. It’s for the best…
  • Mission: Words to Betray the Heart (103) No, I don’t care about any of that! [Go to Note#2]
  • I hope you can find happiness alone…
→I hope you can find happiness alone…
Thank you. I will return to my clinic.

This will end the mission.


Wh… what? You’re not… afraid?
  • Love can overcome anything!
  • You’re already getting better!

Regardless of what the player says, Fang will answer the same.

If your life was made worse… because of me… No! I won’t allow it.
Fang(Relationship +5)
Now you know the truth. We can never be together.
If you really want to leave Sandrock, I won’t stop you. It would even be… for the best.
Goodbye, Player.
May we meet again, in another life.

A cutscene will start where Fang is crying and leaves the player. The player is reaching out to him. A button prompt appears on the screen. If the player

presses the button in time,

the player will run and hug Fang from behind. Fang will take the player’s hand and let himself go, he looks at his hand while he is going and turns around and runs and hugs the player again.
If the player

does not press

the button in time, the player will let Fang go.

Regardless, the same dialogue will appear after.

It seems… there’s nothing I can say to stop you…
Player, I… I… I give in. I cannot suppress my feelings any longer…
When I thought I’d lost you, I…
I could feel a warmth in my hearth, a warmth I haven’t felt in a lifetime being carried away on that train.
I’m just… so afraid that I’ll lose you again, Player. So afraid that the darkness in my life will push you away. And return to haunt me…
But… if I lost you there, or if I lost you here, what would be the difference?
You are right, Player. We should be together. We must be together. I… need you in my life.
You always accept me unconditionally. Someone like me… someone broken. But with you… my heart doesn’t hurt anymore. I can feel myself… starting to heal.
Will you be… together with me, Player? In… the truest sense of the word…Together so that we might… allow ourselves to fall in love?

Note#3: The player will be given the last two options in the mission, that will affect if they will start a romantic relationship with Fang or not.

  • Yes! I will!
  • What!? This is so fast!
→Yes! I will!
You said, "Yes…!" Oh… Player…!
Today… I’ll never forget today. With you by my side, the future is… for the first time… bright.
Swan Necklace
This is for you. A swan. Swans mate for life. Stay together… forever. When I'm not by your side, this can keep me in your heart.
I hope… that can be us. Together forever.
I want to… return to the clinic now. You may accompany me… if you wish.
→What!? This is so fast!
But… but…
But… we can face this together.
Yes, I’m sorry…
I will be patient. I will wait. Forever, if I must.
I… have already burdened you today. Please, come find me when you wish to see me…

This will end the mission.


Experience +1,450
Fang: Relationship +15


If the player and Fang entered a relationship together, Fang will ask how the player is feeling about it.

Hello, Player. How do you feel? Now that we are… together?
  • I’m still very moved by all those things you said…
  • I feel good. Like this is how things supposed to be.
  • I love that we’re official!
→I’m still very moved by all those things you said…
Ah. I see… Well, as you know…
Because of you…
Ahem. Sorry. I’m not sure what to say…
Just know… I meant it. Every word of it.
→I feel good. Like this is how things supposed to be.
Yes. I feel the same.
I feel… part of a family again.
→I love that we’re official!
Interesting. Official. I should say… I don’t care who knows about us. But it is nice… not hiding my feelings for you.
Mission: Words to Betray the Heart (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.